Our COVID-19 Response


Everywhere we look we are confronted with news about the COVID-19 virus. It is our sincerest hope that the impact to our community is minimized by the measures everyone is taking. We want to do our part in the fight against COVID-19 and also reassure our existing and potential new clients of our commitment to seeing their current or future construction projects completed.


Our showrooms have always been a great resource to help in the decision-making process of selecting the right materials for a number of essential housing needs.

At present both our Eugene & Springfield Showrooms are currently OPEN with the following measures in place:

  • Stay home, stay safe. Do not visit our showrooms if you do not need to or if you feel sick.

  • If you will be visiting our showrooms please wear a face covering and maintain social distancing of 6 feet from our showroom employees (This is realistically and easily achievable in our showrooms)

  • If you plan to touch our samples we will have disposable gloves ready to distribute that we ask you use to minimize contact with surfaces or we ask that you please use hand sanitizer or wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water in our restroom before touching and feeling the various samples.


Many of our flooring and countertop distributors remain fully operational. We’ll be maintaining constant communication with all of our suppliers to lessen any disruptions to the supply chain. Please call if you have any questions.


We hope to keep our showroom locations open. We do not usually experience heavy foot traffic at our showrooms but in the event that we start to, we may feel it necessary to institute a by-appointment-only policy. Please feel free to call at anytime to inquire about paying us a visit. Only visit if it is necessary. We know that many of our customers must have their housing needs met in a timely manner and so we are happy to remain open to fulfill those needs.

Please take care, stay safe, and we look forward to the day this will all be in our rear view mirror. In the meantime…we are here for you!


The Interzone Floors & Countertops Team